
"Thank you very much for the mesh samples, you've helped me with a vital part of my university project. Thanks again, I really appreciate it!"

Robert Green

"I just wanted to say thank you very much for sorting out those aviary panels for me. I erected the dog panel over the weekend and I'm delighted with the result."

Kind regards,


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Welded mesh

Fine Mesh Metals has been established since 1979 and is one of the UK’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of w​elded mesh. We have developed a vast range of welded mesh products including: r​olls and sheets, ​f​encing systems, ​a​nimal cages and runs, ​r​abbit protection,​ s​unshade netting​ and g​as bottle caging.​ All our products are fully customisable, so you can be sure to find the perfect welded mesh product for you. You can order products online and we also offer help and advice to all customers, so if you have any special requirements you would like to discuss, please get in touch by phoning 01902 810 310, by e​mail​ or by connecting to our live online chat.